
March 9, 2012

Organizing My Fabric Stash and Reclaiming My Guest Room

Craft chaos cleared away!
Creativity is often chaotic, and that's what my craft space (i.e the guest room) had become - utter chaos. There was fabric, craft tools, half finished projects and supplies EVERYWHERE. The room more resembled a mini JoAnn's explosion than a guest room. 

Usually, I don't mind the creative chaos, but we're having overnight guests this weekend (yay!) and I need that room to function as the guest room it was always meant to be. I could have just cleared out the craft clutter and dealt with the organization aspect later, but I decided to tackle both projects at once. 
Inspired by this awesome armoire turned sewing organization cabinet {click for link}, I set out to organize my own supplies. I don't have nearly that amount of fabric, nor do I have the furniture to devote to such a project. But what I love is that all the fabric is easily visible and her supplies are neatly categorized. My fabric is was mostly stacked in bags and boxes. It was very difficult to see or find anything.

I failed to take a before photo of the entire room. Below is a glimpse at part of my fabric stash, before and after. First, I sorted my fabric by size and material type. Then, I turned the fabric stacks on their sides. Storing fabric folds on end like this will make my life so much easier - easier to see the fabric and easier to find. I can't believe I didn't do this sooner! Plus by using multiple small boxes (diaper boxes), I can easily stack and move my supplies as needed. 

The folding table has been put away. The fabric boxes are stacked in the closet. We have a guest room again and I am excited for a fun weekend with our out of town visitors!

(In my most popular post ever, I list more than a dozen other ways to reuse diaper boxes. You can read it here.)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Now that's organized! What are you going to do with the denim?

  3. Very neat! What a smart idea. I could use your expertise in straightening out my playroom. Can you come down and get me organized?

  4. I've been collecting old denim from family members for the quilt I hope to make some day. I'm thinking along the lines of a large family jean blanket for camping/picnic/tailgate/ etc. I hope to iron souvenir patches from family camping trips to the blanket.

  5. This room is now Fab. Organizing makes everything better! I'd love to see more of what you've got, come on back over to this week's party!

    Have a great weekend!

    Amy @ Sugar and Spice
