
March 19, 2012

You Might Be a Pinterest Addict If....

  • you frequently start conversations with, "I saw this {blank} on Pinterest...."
  • your husband can correctly use the words pin, pinning, pinned, and Pinterest in conversation.
  • you use the above mentioned words on more than five occasions throughout the day.
  • your "Pins To-Do Board" is more than twenty times the size of your "Pins I've Done Board."
  • you actually have a "Pins I've Done Board."
  • you've browsed your friends' friends' pinboards.
  • you follow the pinboards of more than one stranger (hey, they pin great ideas!)
  • you stay up WAY too late pinning for no particular purpose.
  • you've taken the time to type a few words in the "about me" section.
  • you've pinned a great household trick weeks ago, but have yet to actually try the tip.
  • you've pinned a great BBQ recipe, except you're a vegetarian.
  • you've pinned a tutorial written in Chinese. *update: sometimes these multi photo pins are "stolen" property. Always verify that it links to original source.**
  • you've ever felt the need to buy an "I love you more than Pinterest" card for your husband.
  • your first choice in a search engine is now Pinterest. 
  • and lastly, you might be an addict if you've set Pinterest as your browser's homepage.

Are you a Pinterest addict too? 


  1. I can't find a link to your Pinterest boards! I would love to follow them..

  2. Aww... thanks Kimbo. I'm flattered that you would ask. I'll have to see if I can figure out a way to make a link :)

  3. I'm a new follower from the blog hop at LLR & I have awarded you the Liebster Blog Award! Come on over to claim your prize! :-)

  4. Yes, I am totally addicted too! I actually have a Pinning Bloggers Masterlist at my blog-please pop by and link up your account!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  5. I found your blog earlier this week when I was googling for tulle chandelier ideas. Just wanted to say I love your blog and am your newest follower! Oh, and I am *definitely* a Pinterest addict, LOL

  6. Ha! I am definitely a pinterest addict. Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  7. This is fantastic. I have to admit more than one of those applies to
