
April 9, 2012

Upcycling UPwords: Toddler Activity

Have you ever played UPwords? It's a fun 3D version of Scrabble, but not a game you need two copies of  (like we do). I'm not sure how a duplicate copy found its way into our home, but it was cluttering up our tightly packed game shelf. I had plucked it off the cabinet and set it in a pile on the floor with other donation items, when the Bean Sprout found it.

She opened the box, and began collecting (and relocating) the lettered tiles into her own special little stash. She played quietly with those tiles for what felt like forever as I continued tidying up the house. When the house was picked up and she was still playing with those little letters, I knew there was no way I could give away that game. 

I'm sure part of her prolonged interest was due to the novelty of playing with those tiles for the very first time. But I'm hoping that if I keep them up most of the time and only bring them out periodically, the specialness will remain. What a great quiet activity this will be for entertaining herself when I am preoccupied with evening meal preparation - a time of day that is sometimes difficult for us. 

I repurposed a leftover Christmas amaryllis pot, as the new home for these alphabet tiles. I lined the interior with wrapping paper because the inside of the bucket was a little dirt-stained from it's previous use. (Tip: to cut a perfectly fitting paper liner for a tapered object, roll the bucket while simultaneously tracing its path onto paper.)

Until next time,

linking to: Sugar Bee Crafts, Sew Much Ado, Sugar and Spice, Positively Splendid

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! So many things the kiddos can do with this! Already got lots of ideas! I can pick up a scrabble or upwords game at goodwill and make this!

    Thanks so much for linking at Drab to Fab!

    Today's party link:

    Have a great weekend! :)

