September 29, 2013

Friendship Bracelet Photo Tutorial

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I'm sure you other late 80's, early 90's kids can relate to wearing an arm full of friendship bracelets, completely faded from the summer sun and chlorine, but that you didn't have the heart to cut off.

Ahhh... good times.

Recently,  I decided to retest my friendship bracelet making abilities, because 1) I had a lot of time to kill on a our long labor day weekend roadtrip and 2) Someday I want to teach my daughter how do to this and need to remember how to do this.

I'm pretty sure the traditional style friendship bracelet technique will be forever etched into my memory. Along with the candy cane and chevron style designs.

But the technique for this two toned zippered look bracelet might be forgotten before my daughter is school-aged, so I decided to make a photo tutorial to help me remember.

Want to Join Me?

Step 1: Gather supplies. You will need to different colors of string. To acheive a chunkier zippered look, I chose to use cording for this bracelet, but you could also use embroidery thread. The colored cording is found by the hemp cording in the jewelry section at most the craft stores.

Step 2: Measure and cut string. For each color, cut a strand approximately ten times the desired finished length. 

Step 3: Holding both strands together, fold in half and tie a knot creating a small loop. This loop can be threaded into your shoelaces or taped onto a table while you work.

Step 4:  Designate two center strands, one of each color. The center strands will become the core foundation of the bracelet. Do not ever move the center strands.

Step 5 & 6. Repeat this mantra - over around through - as you tie alternating blue and green knots around the center. SEE PHOTO

Step 7: Give to recipient :)

Sharing this tutorial at some of the Link Parties listed HERE

September 19, 2013

How I Spent My Summer Break

Back in June I typed out a post entitled 50 Little Joys before signing off from blogland for the summer. I wasn't sure if I would return - blogging about crafting isn't nearly as fulfilling as actually spending your free time creating - but two months later, I am back and ready to share.

So how did I spend my summer break?

  • Completing that denim quilt I've been talking about forever. You can catch a peak of it in the Fourth of July photo above. Click here to see my completed denim quilt.
  • Redecorating my house with the best free printables the internet has to offer. Thank you creative bloggers for your generosity.
  • Working on my underdeveloped photography skills, with a few first day of preschool, and other similarly cheesy poses. Click here to see more.
  • Visiting a winery with the hubs, completing another 30 by 30 goal. I'll write an update soon on which goals I've completed. Although spoiler alert- there is no way I can complete all of the remaining items in time.
  • Improving my Photoshop skills, designing three personalized typography gifts for family and friends. Click for post on custom framed wedding gifts.
  • 12 hour road trip by myself and the kiddo to visit my college roomie. It was a busy time with four little kids (three and under), but we still managed to carve out a little "mommy time" for a few Pinterest inspired projects.
  • And finally, FINALLY getting our basement clean and organized!!

Want to see? Stick around as I'll be sharing these and other summer projects over the next few weeks.
Visiting a Winery

September 16, 2013

Goldendoodle Gets a Mowhawk

I am not a big dog person. Or a little dog person, for that matter. But I couldn't resist sharing this humorous photo of my sister's goldendoodle. Because who doesn't smile at the sight of cute dog shaved with a mowhawk.

Adorable right?

Makes me almost want a dog.


September 5, 2013

Minivan Mishaps

So, it's official -- I am a terrible minivan driver. Or more specifically, I am a terrible parker. Seriously. It can't get any worse - or any more embarrassing - than what happened this morning. 

We were running late for preschool drop off, so I pulled into the first available parking spot. A space sandwiched between the curb and another poorly parked minivan. Maneuvering my boat of a vehicle into the parking space was a piece of cake and I ran our kid into school. 

Backing out of this space, however, was a different story.....

By the time I returned to the parking lot, most of the other vehicles had already departed, including the line hovering minivan that was previously on my left. With an empty space on my left and a practically deserted  parking lot, I wasn't expecting any backing out difficulties.

Putting my vehicle in reverse, I tried to pull out of the space, but no matter which way I turned the wheel, I couldn't back up without hitting the curb that was hugging my right side. A few forward/reverse attempts availed without any luck, so I decided to just muscle through it. A little curb check never hurt anyone, right? 

Yeaahh... that is how I got stuck on the curb.

Oh! I forgot to mention that our soon-to-be new pastor was out on the lawn greeting families as they arrived for school? With the drop-off procession nearly complete, there was nothing to distract him from noticing my very embarrassing parking fiasco. (While I might have been embarrassed, he probably found the situation to be quite entertaining.)

Long story short, after what felt like an eternity (but probably only a few moments) a friend of mine, also running late, pulls in a few spots down and was able to guide me off of the curb and out of the parking space.
Ahhh... the joys of minivan ownership.

So for all you other minivan mamas out there, I wish you the best in your own curb-hugging parking lot adventures.