
January 25, 2013

This is ME - Potty Training Days

My friend Amy, over at While Wearing Heels, has challenged her readers to make a deliberate effort to get out from behind the camera and include themselves in photographs. Whether it is because we are always the one taking the pictures, or maybe a bit self conscious, it is easy for mother especially, to become seemingly absent in the photographs of our children's youth.

Amy's challenge is to use the self-timer, a remote, or even an outstretched arm to take photos of our selves with our children. Don't wait for your husband or anyone else to capture those moments, find a way to include at least a part of ourselves in photographs.

This month's theme was everyday moments. Our biggest everyday moment this month was potty training and watching Franklin and Friends. Prior to January, we hardly ever watched television during the day. However, our daughter loves watching Franklin and Friends, and the promise of tv time turned out to be a mighty powerful potty training incentive - much more effective for us than M&Ms or stickers. During the first week or so, every potty success was rewarded by a short mini-segment of her favorite show (approx. 10 mins long) played from a DVR recording.

In one of the episodes Franklin makes shadow puppets with his friends at school. After watching this episode numerous times, my daughter asked if we could make shadow puppets. Of course I said "YES!"

Here is a long-arm snapshot of us playing with our shadow puppets. It barely meets the photo challenge requirements (only my hand and foot are visible) but I love this photo so much I had to share.

I love this pic because it is so true to life and representative of our potty training days:

  • clean laundry in a pile on the couch - potty training easily doubles you laundry need.
  • both of us wearing sweat pants - inevitably I would get peed on at some point during the day, so I might as well wear sweats.
  • the cat is curiously yet cautiously observing from a safe distance.
  • we our playing together re-enacting an activity from her favorite show - did I mention that we only had three episodes (six mini segments) recorded on the DVR? I think we could both recite the dialogue from memory when the week was done.

( And for the record, potty training was a success  :)

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  1. We've been potty training around these parts too. I never thought about letting him watch his favorite show as a reward. That's a brilliant idea. For us it was marshmallows and not letting him play downstairs until he went on the potty first :)

  2. I am beaming with pride. I am so grateful you took part in this challenge and I ADORE this picture. I love the look on your sweet girl's face. I love that you see the shadow puppets in the foreground and in the background as well. AND, I think I spy a bit of your shadow on the ground. What a beautiful moment captured in time...a great memory from your days (and successes) potty training!

  3. I love how you can see your shadows as well! At what age did you start potty training and how long has it taken for it to be a success?!? I'm no where near ready to start as my Maddie doesn't turn one until February but I like to hear other's potty training story for ideas / inspiration. I also hope to join in this challenge next month as I just recently noticed that I'm hardly ever in any photos!!!

  4. Most of my self portraits are nothing more than a foot amongst the scenery. You've captured the daily life of a SAHM perfectly. Nice to meet you! Visiting from While Wearing Heels, and a new follower :)

  5. I was so self conscious doing this that I chickened out and took a shot of my hand, what I'm finding is we all are the same, kids housework and for the record potty training starts here soon. Congrats on the photo and success
