
February 7, 2013

December Misfit Posts

I had a lot of holiday and seasonal posts planned for the month of December that never made it onto the blog. I'm calling them misfit posts. I realize it is now February but these five mini-posts are still worth taking a look. Here are the condensed versions for your belated holiday viewing :)

Pasta Angel Ornament
I spotted this handmade ornament on a secondary table tree at my parent's house. One of us kids made this pasta angel years ago. The body is penne, the arms macaroni, the wings bow tie, the candle a thumbtack, the head a wooden bead, hair acini de pepe pasta. I thought it was a cute idea and snapped a picture to reference as a children's craft next Christmas.

Cute as a Button: Snowflake Hair Ties
Don't you just love cute little curly baby pigtails worn high on top of the head? Forgive the terrible photo quality. To make these I used shank buttons - the kind with the hole on a tab underneath - and clear plastic hair ties simply loop knotted together.

Cookie Cutter Pie Crust 
Clever idea inspired by a number of Pinterest pins - cut your pie crust with cookie cutters. This was a fun activity to do with my toddler.

Norwegian Heritage Wreath
My family's ancestry has strong Norwegian roots. We still eat Lutefisk, Lefse, Kringla and other Scandinavian treats at Christmas time. To celebrate my heritage, I adorned this wreath with traditional wood and straw ornaments.

Casserole Carrier: Handmade Christmas Gift
I followed the instructions found here, with the modifications mentioned here, to sew this casserole carrier for my grandmother's Christmas gift. Sewing is still somewhat of a challenge for me so while it did take a number of hours to assemble, I was quite proud with its completion.

Alright, thanks for humoring me. Now on to more seasonally appropriate writings :)

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1 comment:

  1. So glad you still did this post, even if it is belated. I love the pasta angel. The hair ties are perfect, simple and festive. You were busy, no wonder you didn't get around to posting these earlier :)
