
March 28, 2013

Toddler ID Shoe Tags: Countdown to Disney

Before motherhood, I never thought I'd take a two and a half year old to Disney World. The idea of a toddler in Disney used to seem so ... slow and sticky. (And it probably is.) But now that I'm a mom, my perspective has changed. I couldn't be more excited about our upcoming Orlando trip - stickiness and all.

The timing just seems so right, for our little family to visit Disney World. Did you know that children under three get free admission into the park?  That was one of our motivators to go before her birthday. Plus she is currently enthralled with all things princess. The "Disney magic" will certainly be felt as she spots the Magic Kingdom castle for the first time, or meeting her princess friends at lunch.

In preparation for our trip, I decided to make an identification tag for our toddler's shoes. I pray to God that she never becomes separated from us, but should that happen, I our our cell phone numbers (and her name) to be easily spotted by whomever finds her.

I dug out a random rewards card for the base of this project. To help with glue adhesive, I lightly scored the plastic with a craft knife before covering with her identification stats. Then I smothered the top in a protective layer of clear nail polish.

(Photos have been edited with fictitious names and numbers.)


  1. This is brilliant, what a great way to repurpose useless things. :) Have fun on your trip! I found you via One Artsy Mama.

    Angela Says: Tips for a Cleaner Home

  2. That my friend is BRILLIANT. What a great idea. I've seen people do something similar on bracelets BUT this seems so much better. What a great idea! I'm pinning to a group kid's board, I hope it gets tons of hits!
