
November 7, 2013

Framed Wedding Gifts- Making Art With Picmonkey and Photoshop Elements

A recent wedding in our family provided the perfect opportunity for me to practice designing print art using PicMonkey and Photoshop Elements. I wanted to include something thoughtful and homemade in addition to the couple's traditional wedding gift and decided to try my hand at wedding date print art.

I used Picmonkey to create this first version featuring an ampersand on a slate blue background. (In case you've never heard of it, Picmonkey is a free online photo editing site.) Here is what I came up with.

The only problem with Picmonkey is that you can't save the layers individually, so should you ever want to go back in and edit the design (say to update it for another couple) you would need to start all over. Not that this is a huge deal, but seeing that I actually own a copy of Photoshop Elements (which does allow layers to be saved individually) I decided to switch over to PSE for this second version featuring the large monogram.

Should I ever want to use this design again for a wedding gift, I can now easily update it with a new couple's demographics.

What do you think? Would you display a piece of personalized print art in your home?
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1 comment:

  1. Love this. Thanks for linking up to The Patriotic Pam Wowza Weekend Link Party last weekend. We are featuring this on this weekend's party. Please stop by and check it out. The party will go live tonight (Thursday) at 7pm(EST)! And please link up any new projects you have too. Thanks again for stopping by. :)
    Pam @ The Patriotic Pam
