
March 17, 2014

Thirty Years of Christmas Letters: A Shutterfly Scrapbook

Hello Friends! Today I want to share something that I've been meaning to make for a long time... a photo scrapbook with over thirty years of my family's annual Christmas letters.

Every year since their marriage, my parents have been including a Christmas letter and family photo with their annual holiday cards. In the days before email, Facebook, and Instagram, these Christmas letters helped connect our family and update long distant friends and relatives of our happenings throughout the year.

Fortunately for me, my parents thought to save a copy of each year's letter and photo as a keepsake for themselves. Looking back at old Christmas letters written by my parents about me and my siblings is a trip down nostalgia lane - almost like reading an old diary about yourself.

I thought it would be neat compile all of the annual Christmas letters - over thirty years - into one book. I also knew that my siblings would want a copy, so I turned to Shutterfly to create a photo scrapbook that could be printed in multiples. One for each of my family members.

Making a photo scrapbook with Shutterfly is super easy. I've ordered numerous photo books through them in the past. Great price, great quality and their website is really user friendly, making photobook creation a breeze.

Here is a peek inside my completed photobook. (Check out the frilly hat hanging in the background of these photos. Gotta love the 90's!)

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