
February 17, 2012

Chandelier Tulle Wreath

This week I am writing about the "My Favorite Things Party" I hosted earlier this month. On Sunday, I introduced the themed girls' night. On Monday, I showed you how to make crepe paper party garland. Today I am writing about my tulle wreath and the toilet paper wreath cuff.
There she is - my hanging chandelier tulle wreath! When building this wreath, I chose to use an old wire coat hanger instead of wreath form,  because, as a part of my hanging chandelier display, I needed to keep it as light as possible.  (Plus I'm a sucker for saving money, so not having to shell out $$ for a wreath form was a huge plus.)

Using a pair of pliers and a bit of muscle, I managed to reconfigure the wire hanger into a circle. It wasn't a perfect circle, but it was good enough. (In the end, the slight asymmetry was unnoticeable amongst the tulle.)

What You'll Need:
Two spools of tulle (I used all of a 12 yard glittery roll, and most of a generic 25 yard ivory roll)
Toilet paper tube
Scrap fabric
Scrap of cardboard
Wire hanger reconfigured as above (or use a wreath form)

What You'll Do:
1, 2, 3: Use the loop and pull method to attach a piece of tulle. 

Determine how long you want each piece of tulle and trim to size. (Shorter pieces will result in a fuller appearing wreath.)
5. Untie the trimmed piece of tulle from step four and use to cut your cardboard guide. 
6. & 7. Roll tulle from the spool, onto the cardboard guide.

(Yup, that's a diaper box flap I'm using as a guide. Click here to read my popular post on other ways to reuse diaper boxes.)

8. Insert the scissor blade under the loops of tulle that are wrapped around the cardboard. Cut both ends. 
Rolling onto a cardboard guide is a quick and easy method for cutting multiple identically sized pieces of tulle.
9. Attach your pieces of tulle to the wreath.... over ... and over ... and over again...  Sorry, this part is kind of tedious.
Close up view from the back (above) and of the front (below). 

The Toilet Paper Tube Wreath Cuff
Because I intend to use this wreath again on other occasions, I wanted an easy and interchangeable way to modify the wreath for special occasions. So I made a wreath cuff out of a toilet paper tube. The cuff gently wraps around the wreath and allows me to add event specific flair without damaging the wreath or leaving behind strings of hot glue.

Making the Wreath Cuff:
Cut longitudinally down an empty toilet paper tube. 
Cover with scrap fabric.
Attach embellishments.

Click here for all the details and complete recount of my "Favorite Things" party!

Linked up at Positively Splendid, Tatertots and Jello, Lines Across

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