
January 6, 2013

Hiding the Parker Brothers

We have a bit of a gaming problem in this house. Not the kind that leaves you broke. Or the kind that leaves you glossy eyed and carpel tunneled. Our gaming problem involves colorful plastic pieces and little wooden letter tiles.

That's right, we are board game people! We love a good game with family or friends and as such, we've acquired quite an expansive collection. A good two thirds of our tv cabinet is now occupied by the Parker Brothers, Milton Bradley and the like.

As much as I enjoy a good game of Pictionary or Boggle, they're all packaged in brightly colored boxes. When all the games are stacked together within the glass doored cabinet, the resulting color chaos is a bit jarring - too much eye clutter!

Rather than relocate our game collection elsewhere (and fill the cabinet with other highly visible objects) I decided the best option was to cover the glass insets. I thought about scrapbook paper, but didn't want a seam. I considered fabric, but was concerned about both cloth wrinkles and adhesive choices.

Ultimately, I decided to use plain old semi-transparent contact paper for this project. Conveniently, I  already had some on hand. I was super meticulous about eliminating air bubbles and although it took four layers of contact paper (or was it five?) I was very happy with the final result. There is just enough visibility to give it some interest, without the visual distraction it previously was.

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  1. What a great solution. Now you can keep your games close and where you are used to having them just not looking cluttered. I love it!
