
January 3, 2013

Projects of 2013: A To-Do List for the Year

Brainstorming and planning, in my opinion, is far more entertaining than actually completing those tedious, mulitple-coats-of-paint type projects. I actually enjoy researching various DIY methods and techniques. But when it comes time to implement said skills? I tend to stall out.

Remember the UFO that lives in my basement mentioned HERE? Well, despite significant progress, it still isn't completely finished. The bonus room has been cleared out and the laundry room is now a deep navy color with white trim and cabinets. Most of the tough stuff is finished, but there are still a few lingering things that need to be done.

(p.s. I have even greater respect than ever for those of you who frequently refurbish wood furniture and cabinets. The process to make the cabinetry white was a giant pain in the rear. Y'all who paint every wooden object in your home are awesome. That stuff is tedious!)

However, there is one thing that I do love. LISTS. Specifically, crossing something off of a list. Hence the reason I wrote my 30 by Thirty goals. (Which, I should probably write an update up)

Acknowledging that written lists are a powerful motivator for me, here is my to-do list of projects I hope to tackle in 2013.

1. Replace cushions and recover the craigslist rocker in our daughter's bedroom.
2. DIY ruffle throw pillow for her rocker.
3. Make a hanging reading lamp for reading nook. I have a vision....
4. Find or make some acceptable curtains for daughter's room. See our make shift solution for getting our daughter to nap in a sunny room? This photo was taken ages ago, yet we still have those bed sheets draped from the curtains (except we did finally get the sense to move them underneath the curtains - thank you safety pins).

5. Complete the finishing touches on our laundry room transformation.
6. Make laundry room wall art/ sign.
7. Denim quilt. This project has been on my to do list for a very long time.... See the layout photo below? This photo is date marked 12/2/2010.The squares are all cut and ready to go. I just haven't done it yet (I'm intimidated!)

8. Complete 2012 Shutterfly photo book.
9. Playroom toy storage solution
10. Tackle the remaining items on 30 by Thirty list.

What are your projects for the new year?


  1. Wow. You have an impressive list. I swear, once you start your denim quilt, you'll realize there was nothing to be intimidated about. I know you can do it. I can't wait to see post about all that you accomplish in 2013!

  2. Your denim quilt will be awesome. Did you use your old pants? I think that is such a good idea!

    1. Most of the denim is from old jeans - mine and several other members of my family. I did also buy one 4XL full length skirt from the Goodwill. My goal is a scrappy denim family sized picnic quilt personalized with patches from our family vacations / camping destinations!

  3. I love your list! I should make one for myself :)

    Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot
