
September 29, 2013

Friendship Bracelet Photo Tutorial

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I'm sure you other late 80's, early 90's kids can relate to wearing an arm full of friendship bracelets, completely faded from the summer sun and chlorine, but that you didn't have the heart to cut off.

Ahhh... good times.

Recently,  I decided to retest my friendship bracelet making abilities, because 1) I had a lot of time to kill on a our long labor day weekend roadtrip and 2) Someday I want to teach my daughter how do to this and need to remember how to do this.

I'm pretty sure the traditional style friendship bracelet technique will be forever etched into my memory. Along with the candy cane and chevron style designs.

But the technique for this two toned zippered look bracelet might be forgotten before my daughter is school-aged, so I decided to make a photo tutorial to help me remember.

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Step 1: Gather supplies. You will need to different colors of string. To acheive a chunkier zippered look, I chose to use cording for this bracelet, but you could also use embroidery thread. The colored cording is found by the hemp cording in the jewelry section at most the craft stores.

Step 2: Measure and cut string. For each color, cut a strand approximately ten times the desired finished length. 

Step 3: Holding both strands together, fold in half and tie a knot creating a small loop. This loop can be threaded into your shoelaces or taped onto a table while you work.

Step 4:  Designate two center strands, one of each color. The center strands will become the core foundation of the bracelet. Do not ever move the center strands.

Step 5 & 6. Repeat this mantra - over around through - as you tie alternating blue and green knots around the center. SEE PHOTO

Step 7: Give to recipient :)

Sharing this tutorial at some of the Link Parties listed HERE

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