
September 19, 2013

How I Spent My Summer Break

Back in June I typed out a post entitled 50 Little Joys before signing off from blogland for the summer. I wasn't sure if I would return - blogging about crafting isn't nearly as fulfilling as actually spending your free time creating - but two months later, I am back and ready to share.

So how did I spend my summer break?

  • Completing that denim quilt I've been talking about forever. You can catch a peak of it in the Fourth of July photo above. Click here to see my completed denim quilt.
  • Redecorating my house with the best free printables the internet has to offer. Thank you creative bloggers for your generosity.
  • Working on my underdeveloped photography skills, with a few first day of preschool, and other similarly cheesy poses. Click here to see more.
  • Visiting a winery with the hubs, completing another 30 by 30 goal. I'll write an update soon on which goals I've completed. Although spoiler alert- there is no way I can complete all of the remaining items in time.
  • Improving my Photoshop skills, designing three personalized typography gifts for family and friends. Click for post on custom framed wedding gifts.
  • 12 hour road trip by myself and the kiddo to visit my college roomie. It was a busy time with four little kids (three and under), but we still managed to carve out a little "mommy time" for a few Pinterest inspired projects.
  • And finally, FINALLY getting our basement clean and organized!!

Want to see? Stick around as I'll be sharing these and other summer projects over the next few weeks.
Visiting a Winery

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